Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Grump Monster.

I got absolutely NO sleep last night. I'm running on empty. The idea of being back at school for graduation practice makes me a very unhappy camper. I better get a donut out of this! In a few hours I'll be out of this little funk and be enjoying a really nice beach day....hopefully....-_-

Monday, May 28, 2012

Treat yo self.

And that's exactly what I did! To congratulate myself on graduating I bought:
These boots REALLY put a dent in my wallet. I didn't think it was possible, but Doc Martens do come in my size. I'm so happy! Breaking them in is going to be really hard but I know it'll be so worth it. Fantasies come true ( `A`)/ *
This watch in a pale pink. It's absolutely adorable! :3 I hope everyone asks me for the time. I'm serious. I'll probably tell people even if they don't ask.
My phone was known for having heavy and obnoxious phone charms. One day they all broke off and for a good 3 days I didn't know who I was anymore. I decided to retire my old phone charms and start off with these cuties! The bow bunny is my favorite and I'm so excited to be re-united with my charms again!

Waiting for these things is surely going to be the death of me.


My first post on my first personal blog! Where to start? @_@ Well, I've always really wanted my own blog to post about what's going on in my life and my interests and ect, ect but I've always been WAAAY too lazy. My tumblr doesn't really have that personal touch and it consists of nothing but reblogs and me trying to be funny...Anyway! This summer is the perfect opportunity to get a fresh start on the whole blogging scene. I'm hoping I can seriously get into the groove and have an active blog. Wish me luck~ :3